It's the small clump of colorful, chopped vegetables sitting beside the pork chop you ordered in the restaurant. Buttered vegetables are great to munch on and are - should I say it? - nutritious too! gasp!
But you don't have to go to a restaurant or eat out just to have your mixed veggies fix. You can easily have some at home. Better yet, you can even do a lot more with it than just plain veggies. Too busy with work or, erm, Facebook to chop up veggies? Buy it pre-packed from your favorite shop! Here are other ways you can maximize your cache of mixed veggies.

Buttered corn and carrots (and peas and beans) - all you need are mixed veggies and butter. Simply melt the over medium heat in a pan. Then pour some frozen mixed veggies and stir occasionally. No need to thaw. Yummy!
When making instant noodles (or pancit canton, for that matter), add mixed veggies to the water! It's sooo much better than the dehydrated veggies included in the pack.

Top some mixed veggies on your fried rice. Makes it extra special!

Add mixed veggies on your stir-fries! Like this one my wife made with beef and oyster sauce. Yummy rice topping!

It's a very versatile pack that you can have in your ref! Remember, you do not need to thaw it. Just add to your cooking and heat up for a couple of minutes. Instant colour and flavour to regular meals!
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